Within the Blood Battle, the Thunder Dragons Shows Their Power

These people from the Blood Wolf Pirate came ashore dressed in blood-colored robes. They rose from the ground and flew into the air like blood-colored bats; they looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

It seemed like there were so many of them under the moonlight, with as many as tens of thousands of elite troops blocking the moon.

These tens of thousands of people looked endless, as they surrounded the huge Xu family.

These people from the Blood Wolf Pirate rushed into the Xu family's ancestral home. They were then immediately stopped outside by the defense boundary.

Immediately afterward, a signal sounded out of nowhere.

Countless arrows all flew towards the people from the Blood Wolf Pirate.

People could hear countless arrows penetrating the bodies of the members of the Blood Wolf Pirate. These arrows were all wrapped in Talismans, making them very harmful towards cultivators.