Killing Tens of Thousands of Pirates with A Single Move

That old man in the blood-red attire had an extremely terrifying look in his eyes as he glared at that the Xu family's pitch-black ancestral home.

Despite the place being pitch-black, he was still able to somehow make out all that was going on in that ancestral home. He wouldn't have been able to do so otherwise had it not been for the vague moonlight being cast down from the night sky above.

Not even the barrier and formations put in place were capable of hiding anything from his sight.

However, there was one place that was completely blurred by chaos. No matter how hard he tried to look at it, he couldn't see through the chaos. He began to wonder what was behind that barrier.

That must be the place!

That old man in blood-red attire was able to tell right away. Boundless howls and shouts played in his ears.

He ignored all those howls and shouts, as none of them mattered to him.

He kept his gaze on the patch of chaos.