Killing Zhou Daoping

Lu Xuan instantly condensed the Auric Flower. After making a series of attacks, Lu Xuan was able to test out Zhou Daoping's strength!

If things continued this way, there was no telling when he would defeat Zhou Daoping!

Lu Xuan did not want to drag this battle out any longer!

He still wanted the Blood Phoenix Fruit in the secret land of Tianhai. If he went to get it any later, the fruit may be taken away by the young man in the blood-red attire may take the fruit away before Lu Xuan could even reach it!

He had to end this battle as quickly as possible!

All the qi and blood on Lu Xuan's body condensed together into the snowy flower on top of his head. He didn't seem as domineering, sharp, and forceful as he had been before.

However, Zhou Daoping suddenly felt a chill travel down his back while his hair stood on end!

At that moment, Lu Xuan seemed far more terrifying to him than before!