The Tables are Turned

Lu Xuan intended to beat Zhou Sulong to death.

That realization instantly left Zhou Sulong flustered. Normally, he was the one who went about beating others to death in the past. Now, however, someone else was trying to do the same thing to him.

What was even more terrifying was the fact that he sensed that Lu Xuan was capable of doing such a thing.

Even if he was at his peak, he probably still wouldn't have harmed Lu Xuan that much. He would have placed himself at an advantage, but he still couldn't kill Lu Xuan.

That meant that Lu Xuan was fully capable of running away. He could actually escape unscathed right under Zhou Sulong's nose.

Despite that, Lu Xuan chose not to do so. He simply waited where he stood, ready to teach Zhou Sulong a lesson for being so arrogant.

It became clear that Lu Xuan planned everything to turn out this way all along; he had wanted to kill Zhou Sulong right from the start.