The Geng Metal Sword is Completed, Amplifying Combat Prowess Considerably

Lu Xuan had made the entire secret realm his. Naturally, that meant that the guardian figure of the secret realm, that Geng Metal beast, had been tamed as well.

That Geng Metal beast laid prostrate before Lu Xuan obediently.

Everything that he knew about that Geng Metal beast came to his mind. Only then did he realize that the beast was more than meets the eye.

To be more precise, the Geng Metal beast was a surprisingly intricate piece of construct. It was entirely made from a whole chunk of Geng Metal of the West, which the owner of the secret realm gained and then made into one such beast.

That meant that the Medicine Man wasn't the owner. Rather, it was the original owner that came before the Medicine Man.

All of that then fell into Lu Xuan's hands.

"Boy, what a terrible waste indeed."