Chapter 707 – Teleportation Magics

Although the mid-tier spirit stones still had some impurities within them, none of them were any less significant when compared to the low-tier spirit stones.

The mid-tier spirit stones were more than powerful enough for the experts in the Divine Transformation Realm to use.

100 pieces of low-tier spirit stones were required to exchange for one mid-tier spirit stone. Therefore, one million mid-tier spirit stones essentially equivalated to a hundred million low-tier spirit stones.

If they were brought to the Earth Federation, it could have been considered a great

amount of wealth.

As Lu Xuan currently was, it was also a huge fortune for him as well. These spirit stones could allow Lu Xuan to cultivate much faster. Cultivation in alkahestry, smithing, planting herbs, accelerating the ripening of plants, and so on all cost a large number of spirit stones. Even learning many secret methods required countless spirit stones.