Chapter 709 – Divine Blood Fortress, the Conspiracy

"What are we going to do?" Wang Rulai was already in trouble, as Yunlong Village was much stronger than they had expected.

Right now, everything that the experts in this area had speculated about Yunlong Village seemed like nothing more than a joke.

At first, they assumed that Yunlong Village was only a bit stronger than a typical city was. Only now did they realize that everything that they thought was true was nowhere near being correct.

On its own, Yunlong Village was strong enough to sweep across all the cities in this area. There was also the fact that they had the Divine Blood Church behind them for support.

This was the main reason why Yunlong Village was able to sweep through the entire area within just a few days.

Lu Xuan shook his head and said, "There's nothing I can do about it either! I can only get you guys out of here, but only for a little while. Afterward, you guys won't be able to continue developing here!"