The Belief that led to the Establishment of the Immemorial Path

Lu Xuan went with Liu Haotian to a huge hall while they were under Shi Buyi's lead. There, he met the sectmaster of the Immemorial Path, Xuanyangzi.

This was the second time that he had ever seen Xuanyangzi in his life; the first time was at the turf of the Divine Blood Church. Even then, he had only seen that man from afar.

Back then, Xuanyangzi's mighty powers were on full display. He seemed almost capable of singlehandedly taking on a whole army.

The same man before Lu Xuan's eyes, however, looked a lot more amicable, so much so that common people wouldn't even be able to sense the Spiritual Aether on him.

It was obvious that he had concealed his own aura, but the fact that he had been able to do so was in itself a demonstration of his powers.

Although he had been stuck at the Divine Transformation Realm for so long, that didn't mean it was all that bad.