Are you Ready to Get Beaten to a Pulp?

The way the masked man saw it, being able to hunt down two people with born Taoism aptitude was quite an impressive way to kill.

The masked man laughed to the top of his lungs as he said, "The gods must be on my side today!"

The aura about him began to turn increasingly cold and terrifying, so much so that the aura he emanated caused that elder of the Immemorial Path to shiver while he was still being bound by the Dragon-snaring Lasso.

However, it was impossible for the elder to outrun it; he was unable to move an inch while he was bound by the lasso.

The cold seeped into his bone, making it look as if he was going to drop dead any time.

The number of fighters within the Holy Sun Continent that were at the very pinnacle of the Divine Transformation Realm was so small that they could all be counted on one hand.

"I've made up my mind. I won't kill you, but I will break all of your limbs before I take you away."