I’d Cut You Down along the Way then

He was severely injured within the blink of an eye.

There was utterly no way for him to resist.

Despite being at the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm, which was the most impressive level of cultivation known to the cultivation world, he was still completely helpless against that young man.

It was a one-sided massacre.


His disciple caught his body as he was about to crash onto the ground before immediately escaping to the central gate in the mountains.

That one attack left everyone completely stunned.

A deathly silence loomed over the place.

One could imagine just how frightening that one attack from that young man truly would've been, given how it could render over two million people scared to silence.

It felt as if the entire place had become his stage, and he was the star of the show; everyone's eyes were focused on him.

At that moment, he seemed to have truly become a god.