Retreating to the Central Gates

One move was all it took to decide the victor.

That was rather shocking given that it was a battle between fighters at such a level.

The outcome was so shocking that not even the fighters from both the Immemorial Path and the Divine Blood Church were able to react in time.

Xuanyangzi was already famous all across the world, having already been deemed the top expert in the world when they were born.

Even someone as extremely powerful as was just barely on equal footing with Xuanyangzi. Nobody expected Xiang Tianfang to beat Tianfang.

Now, however, Xuanyangzi was so badly beaten that he ended up spitting out blood. Over two million members of the sect's elite force gasped at the sight.

It was only after that young man emerged from that explosion that everyone saw that he had one of the three flowers on his head as well: the Spirit Flower.

The flower above his head was over three times larger than that one above Xuanyangzi's head.