Great Changes - The Dark Eagle King

Everywhere looked like an overgrown wasteland. The vast expanse of jungles had covered everything, and traces of human activity had become sparse.

In the distance, Lu Xuan saw an enormous Base City!

Immediately, Lu Xuan recollected the memories of his previous life. Civilizations on earth had embarked on the Base City Model.

That implied that all human activities were constrained within huge cities.

Initially, cities with a population of 20 to 30 million all over the world were considered metropolises. However, under the Base City Model, those were nothing. During the heyday of the implementation, in one Base City, its urban area alone housed more than 100 million people, and that excluded the many satellite cities connected to it.

And this was what Lu Xuan was trying to avoid!

The emergence of Base Cities would signify that the space for human activities was further compressed, and Base Cities have to be formed for survival.