Sword Finger Consolidation Realm

Several people lamented the situation. Being born on Earth with such a cultivation level was simply a cruel waste of a precious resource.

She might've even reached the Sword Finger Consolidation Realm in the future if she had appeared in the Tempest Ocean Realm.

However, that was clearly impossible now. The effect of an incomplete cultivation system on a cultivator was too much to handle.

However, they had no way of knowing what kind of person was supporting Yun Ling'er, the cultivation system of the Tempest Ocean Realm was incomplete.

A victor was not decided after the collision!

The two combatants attacked again instantly, almost at the same time. As Yun Ling'er constantly slashed forward, the ripples she formed in the sky looked like those on the surface of the water as they spread outward in rings.

It was as if a peaceful lake surface was being attacked by a violent storm.