Lu Xuan Strikes

Severing one's fortune was equivalent to killing one's parents, but impeding one's path of cultivation was even worse.

Seeing that Yun Ling'er was seemingly completely defenseless, a few wicked ones decided to take action.

"Shameless gnats. Where is your self-proclaimed bearing as an expert of the Tempest Ocean Realm?"

"It turns out that this is the so-called heights of the Tempest Ocean Realm. Those who are with the Tempest Ocean Realm, come forward. I'll whack your faces until they swell!"

"What the? How utterly shameless!"

Many who saw this through the live broadcast barraged the comments section with words of condemnation. These people's actions rendered most of them speechless.

Even the Tempest Ocean Realm's supporters who have been constantly showering them with praise over the years were struck dumb.

Even though they were their supporters, not all of them were willing to become one of them. Many of them were just exasperated.