I am willing to become Lu Xuan's lackey

"So ruthless, what drastic measures!"

  The cultivators of the Tempest Ocean Realm were stunned. Upon hearing the news, they broke out in cold sweat.

   Lu Xuan had directly locked down the planet, preventing anyone from entering or leaving!

"It's a very high-level formation. I can only say that it is very sophisticated; it has truly reached the point where it has merged with the heavens and the earth. Most people cannot break his formation because it is supported by the natural energies of Heaven and Earth. Who in the world could ever compare to that?"

   After a high-level formation master had looked it over, he felt only admiration for it.

  He was already among the top formation masters of the entire Tempest Ocean Realm, regarded as a guest of honor wherever he went, but it all paled in comparison to the giant formation that Lu Xuan had set up.

   They were on two completely different levels!