Powerful Intruder

If the cultivator did not possess good control over their body, their brain would explode like a firework due to the extreme amount of energy directed to their head.

  In Lu Xuan's past life, he barely managed to gather the Spirit Flower. In this life, however, he had prepared more than enough. There was nothing for him to worry about except for the time it would take him to complete it.

  Fortunately for him, time was still on his side. After absorbing the energy of the Blood Ginseng alkashestry pull into his body, he began forming the Spirit Flower.

  Lu Xuan did not return from the Sky Ocean Secret Realm until three months later.

  During the three months where Lu Xuan was gone, many events had happened in the outside world.

  The biggest event to have happened was a base suddenly appearing on Earth's moon.

  Those who had the ability and technology to observe the moon were notified immediately about the base's appearance.