Kill You and Crush the Entire City

   As soon as Lu Xuan finished speaking, the tiger-head beast king under his feet instantly roared. Its entire body quickly swelled up, transforming into a fierce tiger covered entirely in golden fur.

   Originally, the tiger-headed beast king was already more than two stories tall, but now it was even more than a hundred meters tall after transforming back into its original body.

   "Agh! I'm going to kill you!"

   The golden-furred fierce tiger roared with reddened eyes. It wanted nothing more than to tear Lu Xuan's corpse into thousands of pieces. The monstrous aether all over its body seethed. Various colors of divine light converged into a blazing radiance, nearly causing the sky to collapse.

   Lu Xuan did not hesitate to step forward and throw a punch!

  A golden light instantly gathered around Lu Xuan's fist, turning into a golden claw. Then, a punch was thrown, and it had already blasted in front of the golden-furred fierce tiger.