A Way to Kill Him

It was as if the huge hand had cut through the sky to reach Lu Xuan. It was so enormous that there was no way for him to outrun it.

Just before the hand got to him, a bronze bell appeared over his head and blocked the firey humongous hand.

The bell rang so loud that everything in the vicinity stopped moving instantly for a short while. Even the hundred meters tall waves calmed down too. It was as if they were frozen solid.

Even though everything had stopped for a second, it was more than enough for Lu Xuan to dive into the deep ocean with the Chaos Heaven Stabilizer Bell still protecting him.

"Shit!" Li Shou cursed in surprise. "What the hell is that thing?"

He could not believe that Lu Xuan was not taken down in one hit. However, he quickly regained his wits and recited a Water Dispelling Chant before diving into the Tempest Ocean after Lu Xuan.