Exiting closed-door cultivation, facing the deep-sea snapping turtle chief


   The deep-sea snapping turtle chief roared in pain. This was the first time that he had been injured and suffered a loss in this battle.

   This long spear, which had been filled with the power of flames, had directly penetrated his defensive shell. Furthermore, this was within the deep sea, surrounded by an endless amount of water attributed energy, in turn suppressing this flame spear. Otherwise, its power would have been even more shocking.

   The blood of a Consolidation Realm expert splattered out, scattering in the depths of the ocean.

   Although the attack failed to directly kill the deep-sea snapping turtle chief, it still made it very wary.

   Already a Consolidation Realm master, this deep-sea snapping turtle chief was obviously no ordinary beast. It had already possessed wisdom comparable to humans.

   It knew that this time, it couldn't handle its opponent. Li Shou's strength was completely above its own.