Lets Go To The Meeting!

The unspeakably heavy burdens weighed down on her shoulders. The stress felt like the entirety of Mount Tai was crashing down on her, which was enough to crush the psyche of any person.

Only now she truly understood the amount of stress her brother had been carrying all these years.

She could not imagine how much effort he had put into hiding this stress to maintain his calm and relaxed appearance.

Her source of immense pressure came from the Tempest Alliance Meeting. Her planet was about to be divided and partitioned and she did not even have the right nor power to intervene.

The entire event had taught her one thing: the world was cruel.

In the eyes of anyone in the Tempest Ocean realm, only the masters of the Consolidation Realm were perceived as important, the others were simply like appetizers.

And therefore Earth would become the greatest feast yet, and no one would want to miss out on this opportunity.