Believe Me, No One Can Defend Him

The crucial problem with the claim made by Lu Xuan was that there was no way for Yang Zhuxin to prove his innocence.

Even the slightest suspicion could prove fatal for him.

Most importantly, Yang Zhuxin knew himself best - that he was not innocent.

"Lu Xuan, you claimed that Sectmaster Yang was a chess piece placed by the demons among humans," the voice of a middle-aged person entered the conversation. "Do you have any evidence?" The voice had belonged to the last individual of the Four Consolidation: the mayor of Cloud City.

Lu Xuan directed his glance towards the voice. The mayor had concealed himself by twisting the air around him. It was impossible to perceive his physical appearance.

This was the power of an expert of the Consolidation Realm. Unfortunately for him, although he could conceal himself from others, he could not hide from Lu Xuan.