The world was in an Uproar, with Undercurrents Surging

After finding out this result, the entire Iron Cavalry association was shocked. If Lu Xuan hadn't pointed it out, how could such a line of defense be able to stop the invasion of the demons in the future one day.

When this result was spread to the entire world, the whole world was in an uproar.

The Iron Cavalry Association didn't only have the direct descendants of the Iron Cavalry Association, but also countless benevolent and righteous people from the human race who joined in, just for the safety of the Northern line of defense that surrounded the Human World.

No one had expected that the demon race had infiltrated the Iron Cavalry Association to such an extent over these years.

Even the president of the Iron Cavalry Association was a spy arranged by someone else.

Just thinking about it was such a big joke.

The world was in an uproar!