the True Form Of the Hellfire Red Lotus

In Long Feihua's eyes, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Lu Xuan!

If Lu Xuan were to breakthrough another realm, it would be wishful thinking to kill Lu Xuan.

As both of them were at the peak of the Consolidation Realm, it would be extremely difficult to kill Lu Xuan. Otherwise, the Tempest Ocean Realm would have been unified long ago.

But now, Lu Xuan was at the critical moment of his breakthrough. If this wasn't the will of heaven, then what was it?

Thinking of this, Long Feihua couldn't help but reveal a smug smile.

"Today, I'm going to start a massacre!" Lu Xuan said with a sigh, "From today onwards, the three peak of the Consolodation Realm will be removed from the list!"

"What big words! Just by you!"

Long Feihua sneered. He could tell that Lu Xuan had yet to step into the peak of the Consolidation Realm.