The Battle Against Satan

Lu Xuan knew that this was their last battle—the Big Five had been commanding the various worlds to besiege Earth from behind. Yet, Lu Xuan had been able to straighten things out. With the help of the sword qi talisman left behind by Lu Xuan, Lu Shanshan had slaughtered a few Immortal Realm elites before that.

The Big Five wouldn't show themselves under normal circumstances—not even Lu Xuan could have predicted their whereabouts because they weren't any ordinary human immortals, frankly speaking. Usually, they would take form from the cultivation of living creatures, but the Big Five had taken it from the rules of the skies and lands. Hence, they were not to be considered living beings. Otherwise, with Lu Xuan's hot-headedness, he would have gone for them, beheading them one after one.

He had endured patiently until this day, and finally, the day had come—he would eliminate them all in one combat, sparing any further complications.