Extermination And Advancement

When nearly a hundred celestial immortals joined forces, it was an astonishing power. It could be said to be earth-shattering, as if the whole Battle Ring was about to be overturned.

The aura was peerless. Countless laws swept out in Lu Xuan's direction, bringing with them an enormous amount of immortal qi. All sorts of dharma treasures smashed down, divine abilities swept out and ultimate martial arts shook the heavens.

Billions of immortal qi swept over everything like a torrent.

"More people? Is it useful?" Lu Xuan revealed a cold smile. When these people decided to join forces instead of admitting defeat, the outcome was already set.

The gap between cultivators could not be made up by numbers. Otherwise, why would he cultivate immortality.

It was just that the overwhelming advantage in numbers against Lu Xuan caused them to have some delusions that they should not have.