Lu Xuan's Condition to Join

If he joined other factions with Immortal Kings, Lu Xuan would face Immortal Kings blocking his way and Great Golden Immortals blowing up his bridge behind him.

Those Immortal Kings were not good people either. Each and every one of them was a wily old fox. Hence, to Lu Xuan, the Great Void Pavilion was undoubtedly a very suitable faction.

If not for the Great Void Pavilion, Lu Xuan might have chosen to join a Second-rate Force that does not have a more substantial backer, but the resources within could be mobilized by Lu Xuan.

Of course, he could not tell this to Kou Yuande.

After finishing his words, Kou Yuande stared at Lu Xuan as if he wanted to get Lu Xuan's approval. He had already laid out all his trump cards. If he could not rope Lu Xuan in, there would be no way to rope Lu Xuan in.

"What fellow Immortal said is indeed somewhat tempting to me, but it's not that easy to get me to join!" Lu Xuan said.