If I Don't Win Within Three Moves, I Lose

The speed of this punch was extremely fast. The golden-winged great roc was well-known for their strong bodies, and their strength was boundless. At the same time, their speed was also at the pinnacle of the world. Even if an adult golden-winged great roc did not use any divine abilities, just by relying on its body, it could fly 54,000 kilometers by spreading its wing to fly once, it would be more than 108,000 kilometers by twice.

This punch tore through the void. Many people only had time to see Jin Che's punch before it had already swept up to Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan didn't even look at it. Almost no one saw how he attacked. He was as fast as lightning, even faster than Jin Che.


The two fists collided in mid-air, and in an instant, the sky collapsed, and the earth cracked. This punch almost overturned the entire enchantment stage, and the huge enchantment shook violently.