Little Returning Talisman, the Great Void Pavilion Paid a Lot

"The Great Void Sutra? Isn't it for the direct disciple of the Great Void Immortal King?"

Lu Xuan's eyes widened. Compared to the Six Transformation Golden Pill, the Great Void Sutra was even more valuable.

In Full Moon City, even the Full Moon Sect's Full Moon Heart Sutra would become the target of countless human immortals.

The Great Void Sutra recorded a cultivation technique that pointed directly to the path of the Immortal King. Compared to the Innate Sacred Sutra created by Lu Xuan or the Void Origin Power, which was developed by many Celestial Lords, the Great Void Sutra was indeed far inferior.

However, for the Great Void Pavilion, it was already a top-notch inheritance. A cultivation technique that pointed directly to the path of the Immortal King was obviously very valuable.

To the Great Void Pavilion, this should also be a huge investment.