Sealing the Crack, Venerable Nandou

After killing Zhao Jing, the terrifying magical power on Lu Xuan's body that was as violent as a raging storm finally gradually faded to the initial stage of the Gold Immortal Realm.

Lu Xuan let out a slight sigh of relief. Zhao Jing's guess was indeed correct. Lu Xuan was already at the end of his rope and could not last for long.

If Zhao Jing could still hold on for a period of time, then the outcome of the battle would be still unknown.

At that time, if Lu Xuan wanted to deal with Zhao Jing again, he would have to pay a high price. Although Lu Xuan was still confident that he could kill Zhao Jing, it was not something that could be achieved by just paying a sufficient amount of upper-grade spirit stones.

Among all the methods, this was the least costly.

Lu Xuan let out a slight sigh of relief. Killing a golden immortal by a gold immortal was a shocking achievement. Even though Lu Xuan had many tricks up his sleeve, he almost failed.