A Monster-level Duel

Some people could even see mottled bloodstains on the bronze spear, exuding a monstrous amount of blood. It was as if it had experienced a terrifying battle, which made thousands of living beings drink blood.

The cold aura was already unbearable for ordinary Golden Immortal!

"How terrifying is this Nangong Wuyin? He's a monster!"

Some Golden Immortals were shocked. Just by standing there, Nangong Wuyin already had an invincible aura that made them unable to look at him directly.

His combat strength was hard to predict. After so many years, it seemed that no one had been able to force him to use his full power.

Just by standing there alone, he already had an incomparable aura!

Killing intent was released, surging into the sky, and it was bone-chilling.

Even though they were separated by a boundary, many Golden Immortals whose slightly weaker cultivations felt their bodies trembling. They could not help but feel like escaping.