Eye Of Nirvana

The intermediate-stage of the Gold Immortal Realm was not scary. Even for the legendary geniuses, it was only a matter of time before they broke through to the intermediate-stage of the Gold Immortal Realm. There was even a high chance that they could become a golden immortal.

However, that required time and the legendary geniuses were fighting for time. Nangong Wuyin's cultivation age was only a little over a hundred years old, which was undoubtedly much younger than the others.

While the others had not even touched the threshold of the intermediate-stage of the Gold Immortal Realm, he was already there. His speed and efficiency were much faster than the other legendary geniuses.

At this speed, he would not be far away from the Golden Immortal Realm!

He was yet to be another terrifying freak as long as he grew up!