Don't You Like to kill geniuses? Then I'll Kill You!

Everyone watched as Shi Wanqian's body exploded crazily. It was a series of explosions caused by the defensive barriers and magical equipment sealed on his body.

At the moment, Shi Wanqian was shrieking in pain. He had been seriously wounded and was forced to retreat. A horrifying wound had appeared on his body, and blood was dripping from it.

Undoubtedly, this sword attack had almost destroyed him. If it were not for the barrier and defensive magical equipment he had set up on his body, he might have been pierced through with a single sword attack.

The Divine Kingdom that he had constructed was slashed open with a huge crack.

The terrifying sword intent had the power to split open the heavens and earth!

However, before Shi Wanqian could catch his breath, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the Big Dipper appeared.

"Oh no!"

Shi Wanqian instantly realized what he had overlooked, for countless streams of starlight soon swept over.
