Refining Innate Five Elements Diagram, Arriving at Battlefields of All Realms

Lu Xuan was dressed in white. In this environment which was filled with hellspawns everywhere, he looked exceptionally different. The Geng Metal Sword was hanging casually behind his back, and he was wearing his long hair down his shoulders like a waterfall.

He walked to the front of the altar and smashed it into pieces with one palm.


The entire altar was smashed into pieces. Immediately after, a scroll turned into a streak of light and was about to escape. It was obviously nothing else but the Innate Five Elements Diagram.

Lu Xuan transformed into a huge hand and instantly grabbed the Innate Five Elements Diagram in his hand. Then, Lu Xuan and the old cambion disappeared into the Sky Ocean Secret Realm.

As expected, not long after, a strong divine mind swept across the tribe, and it seemed puzzled.

"I clearly felt the aura of the imperial weapon, why is it gone now?"

The master behind this divine mind muttered to himself.