Preying Mantis Catches the Cicada, the Oriole Follows Behind

The White Bone Temple boundaries disappeared, and the White Bone Great Emperor's corpse continued to emit waves of golden light. A terrifying Imperial Emperor's pressure was released.

Without the suppression of the boundaries, it launched out directly.

Only the Immortal Kings present could barely stand firm. The Great Golden Immortals had no choice but to use divine defensive abilities to resist the pressure.

"How terrifying! Is this the pressure of an Imperial Emperor? Even the dead White Bone Great Emperor has such power!"

"Truly terrifying!"

"No, I think that although the corpse of White Bone Great Emperor is terrifying, it is far less terrifying than Lu Xuan. At the very least, the corpse of White Bone Great Emperor won't kill us all!"

Some people still had a lingering fear. It was evident that they still had a lingering fear about how Lu Xuan killed those who were Innate Saints.