Spirit Extinguisher

If Lu Xuan was only slightly stronger than them, it would cause them to feel intense enmity and backlash, and their hearts would be filled with incomparable jealousy.

However, when Lu Xuan's strength had already surpassed them by a dimension and could easily overpower them when he take care of them, everything changed.

They no longer viewed Lu Xuan as a competitor. After adjusting their state of mind, they could completely accept Lu Xuan's strength calmly.

Typically, it was others who treated them in such a situation.

Other ordinary people watched as they chased after them quickly before catching up with them at an astonishing speed. Finally, they overtook them and left.

But now, it was their turn to meet such a person.

At this moment, they finally understood how those ordinary geniuses felt when they met them. It was as if they had met a terrifying monster.