Kill You While You Are Ill

The Aura on Lu Xuan's body was increasing like crazy. In his previous life, when he used the Myriad of Calamities and Tribulations, Lu Xuan had risked his life. 

But this time when he used the technique, even though the tribulations he faced now were much greater than in his previous life, he felt much more confident.

It was because he was much more powerful!

More and more calamities and tribulations appeared in the sky. Suddenly, all sorts of divine winds appeared and they got more and more terrifying.

Lu Xuan was still absorbing the power of these tribulations to strengthen himself

The current strength of his body was so great that nothing could damage it.

He had tampered his body little by little and no ordinary external forces could hurt him.

For example, he could now walk in the depths of the Sun's core or in a black hole in the universe. No force could hurt him.