Killed the Monkeys to Scare the Chickens

Every Celestial Lord was looking for a way to transcend. Although they had already transcended the Heaven's Cultivation, it could even be said that they were a small-scale Heaven's Cultivation.

However, all the Celestial Lords were still looking for a way to transcend!

True transcendence, even Lu Xuan in his previous life, was no exception!

In this life, Lu Xuan had determined his own path time and time again. If he wanted to transcend, he had to borrow the power of the entire world to break the shackles.

Unifying the World Of Realms was the beginning!

Of course, the current Lu Xuan definitely did not have the strength to do so. At the very least, he had to reach the Celestial Lord Realm before making a move on the World Of Realms.

After all, there was still a batch of old monsters in the World Of Realms. Even with Lu Xuan's strength, he was still not a match for them.