Subduing the Heaven Realm

The Emperor Clans had bowed their heads and admitted defeat!

Everyone looked at Emperor Clans, who had admitted defeat. They felt unbelievable in their heart, but also thought that it was rightfully too.

They felt that it was unbelievable because Emperor Clans had dominated the world for many years and had never bowed their heads. No one could force them to bow their heads.

Almost everyone was used to the outcome of the Emperor Clans being so high and mighty.

They felt that it was only natural because of the remarkable strength that Lu Xuan had displayed. Those Phantoms comparable to the battle strength of an Imperial Emperor were readily destroyed by Lu Xuan.

It could even be said that they almost didn't even have the strength to fight back. One sword after another, as if these Phantoms were like clay statues.

Fighting against Emperor Lu, who had such battle strength, is only possible if they were crazy or stupid!