An Inevitable Battle

The giant beast was like a gorilla as it walked upright on its two hind legs, six horrifying blood-red eyes beaded across its forehead. There was thick fur all over its body, and its back and abdomen were covered with a layer of black scales. Just by looking at it, you could tell that it had terrifyingly strong defense.

The giant beast had an acute sense of smell, and it had quickly followed the scent toward the big tree where the two people were hiding. 

Gu Ding tightened his fists while Liliath closed her eyes and tried to control the rhythm of her breathing to slow down her heart rate.

One step, two steps, three steps…

The giant beast's footsteps were getting closer. It stopped near the big tree where they were hiding and looked around. It then let out a loud roar, seemingly unable to find their hiding spot.