Liliath’s Fight

Instantly, Liliath's heart began to beat rapidly as she looked at Cooper's condensing figure right in front of her eyes.

At that moment, the sound of a message came from her communicator.

She guessed that the message came from Gu Ding. Gu Ding probably knew what had happened to her, but instead of looking down to read the message, her eyes remained locked on her opponent's body. Not once did she dare to let her guard down.

"I didn't expect the people who killed my five men to be two kids," Cooper's split-body was also a bit surprised by Liliath's appearance.

He did not attack immediately because he had yet to sense any danger from the original body. This was also one of the weaknesses of the Shadow Body - the original body could feel all changes from the split-body, but not the other way around. If he knew that the original body was in danger, he would have killed Liliath immediately.