State of False Death

After getting rid of her opponent, Liliath immediately opened the map Nepture sent her and then ran all the way toward the location marked with the red dot on the map.

At the time, she did not stop to think if this was a trap set up by the enemy, or to consider what was the point of her going if Gu Ding had already lost. She only knew that no matter what the situation was, Gu Ding needed her help now.

After a few minutes, she finally arrived at the scene. After a quick scan of her pupillary abilities, she did not find any enemies. However, Gu Ding laid quietly on the ground, making her a little uneasy.

She walked to Gu Ding's side and pressed two fingers against the carotid artery on Gu Ding's neck. She could no longer feel the artery pulsing and Gu Ding's body temperature was only a little warm, as if he had died not too long ago.

"He's dead ..." Liliath slumped sideways, her eyes instantly watering.