An 8 Million Star Credits Bounty

Grey-faced Buzzard was much faster than the Kittyhawk Model. In less than a day, Gu Ding and Liliath had arrived in Fengyuan.

When Grey-faced Buzzard of more than thirty meters was docked at the port, it attracted many onlookers. Gu Ding's Grey-faced Buzzard was indeed quite old now. The rest of the same models had already fallen into collectors' hands, rarely making appearances on the market, needless to say flying it out so casually certainly drew the eyes of plenty.

Seeing that two children walked out of the Grey-faced Buzzard, many were left rather surprised.

A seemingly clever and young dealer moved closer to Gu Ding. "Brother, are you selling this spaceship?"

"Larry, I've warned you so many times. Stop harassing tourists at the port who come to Fengyuan for vacation," A hunky man clad in police attire walked over. With one hand on his waist, he grabbed the young man by the collar of his shirt, effortlessly lifting him up.