I Want To Give Him A Cannon Shell As A Gift

Ricky's full name was Ricky Onassis. Thirty-three years old. The new leader of the Onassis family, which was one of the ten wealthiest families in the entire Skyriver Sector.

The family had a long history. They started off by making spaceship accessories more than five hundred years ago, which has continued until today.

These days, the Onassis family did not only run the accessories business, they also ran the spaceship business. Amongst the ten wealthiest families, their total assets ranked them fourth place.

As the new leader of the family, Ricky was also considered a celebrity in the Skyriver Sector. With that being said, he had a hobby known to many—he loved collecting all kinds of historical spaceships. However, many had no idea that in order to obtain certain spaceships at low prices, he had done many filthy things in secret.