Blood Sac Pirates

"Stop right there; don't move!" Neptune yelled at Gu Ding and Liliath. He was certain that Gu Ding and Liliath had no means of escaping the hands of the bastard that stood in front of them. He was a major general in the Army, a Rank 8 Gene Body powerhouse. If the duo made any sudden moves, he might kill them on the spot.

[Name: Lancelot]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 33]

[Occupation: Federation Army Soldier]

[Military Rank: Major General]

[Gene Level: Rank 8]

[Special Ability: Vine Whip]

[Ability Description: Able to summon vines growable in each different environment and make various attacks such as bind, poison sting, and whip enemies.]

[Highest Capture Reward: 3.8 billion Star Credits]