The Best Ingredients in Honor of My Bestest Friends

Lake Laker was the largest lake on Planet Derisis, shaped like a broad leaf, it spanned over eight hundred thousand square kilometers.

The annual Food Festival always chose places with an abundance of resources and large spaces for the audience. Therefore, Lake Laker was undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Gu Ding and his gang arrived early at the Food Festival site. The entrance ticket price was steep and cost three hundred Star Credits per person.

"Biggie, I don't think Lili and I can eat our three hundred Star Credits worth of food, so it'll be more worth it if you ate some of our share." Gu Ding looked at Liliath, who was eating her ice cream slowly as he shook his head.

At that moment, a beautiful lady in a bikini walked toward the three of them and her eyes landed on the ice cream machine behind them.