Encountering the Magic Race

Gu Ding hid in a large tree and stared closely at a canine-like animal through the dense foliage.

The daunting creature, with a length of more than ten meters and covered in black fur was lying on the ground, ripping apart its food. The sound of bones crunching in its mouth every few seconds.

Predators were the most alert when eating and it was also the time when they were the most easily provoked. Because food was everything to them, they would even resort to killing their own kind for food.

However, this time it was not the predator, but Gu Ding who was lurking not far away.

Predators who were fully focused on eating were still not vulnerable because they instinctively stay on guard, but Gu Ding still waited. Then, it made a fatal mistake. It bit too big a mouth and a long bone lodged itself in its throat.