You're My Hostage

Neptune had a discussion with Biggie that did not go very well. There was either miscommunication between the two or Biggie simply could not let go of his mental obstacles. When Neptune told Biggie they needed him for the escape, Biggie fell silent. Neptune explained their current situation and told him what he had to do in detail. However, all he heard in response from Biggie was silence.

"Neptune, are you able to lift the spell on us?" Liliath suddenly asked. She had been listening in on their conversation the entire time.

"Yes, the forbidding spell is a type of energy seal that I'm able to remove." Neptune wondered what Liliath was up to. "Should I lift the spell on the rattan ropes as well?"

"Nope, just the forbidding spell on me will do. You don't have to lift Biggie's spell either." Liliath explained, "I have a special ability that will allow Biggie to temporarily forget about his mental obstacles."