The Awakened Robert

Having noticed that Nick had regained consciousness, Gu Ding immediately moved closer to him. "You're finally awake!"

Seeing Gu Ding's face, Nick felt slightly fearful. After all, the one who had caused him his injuries was Gu Ding. "What are you trying to do?"

"Do you remember the reward you promised you'd give me earlier?" Gu Ding said, grinning widely. Gu Ding's smile seemed somewhat savage in Nick's eyes.

"Reward? That blue rock?" Nick only just recalled his promise. "You followed me all the way to the hospital just for that rock?"

"Of course. What other reason could there be? It's my loot." Gu Ding thought that it was a somewhat odd question for the other man to ask.

Nick appeared slightly suspicious of the situation. Gu Ding coming for the rock meant that he probably knew what the rock was, and it was highly likely that it was something valuable. "I can give you the rock, but can you tell me what exactly it is?"