Raging In The Storm

It did not come as a surprise to the little old man when Gu Ding returned to the appraisal room. All he did was climb onto the desk, sitting atop it with his legs crossed. He folded his arms in front of his chest and directed his words at Gu Ding, "Only two types of people come looking for me. One, are those who are looking to add onto their existing list of auctioned items. The other, are those who are trying to cancel a trade they made with me. I'm guessing you would be the former."

"How do you know I'm not here to cancel my trade with you?" Gu Ding did not immediately reveal his reason for being there and asked this question instead.

"Simple. Because these things from the Witch Tribe are of no use to you. Selling them would be the wisest choice. Besides, you were pretty satisfied with the estimated price I reported. This further suggests that you won't be canceling this trade anytime soon," the little old man answered with full confidence.