The Cursed Blade

The sword sheath was entirely gilded with intricate engravings all over. The sword handle was black, while the sword was around 1.5 meters long.

Gu Ding snuck a glance at Biggie from the side and noticed him staring intently at the sword. Gu Ding immediately made a decision. He would bid on this sword for Biggie.

"Many of you may have heard of this sword. It's called Darkness," when the female auctioneer revealed the name, there was a slightly uneasy look on her face.

A funny look appeared on some of the people who were interested in the sword when they heard the name.

The female auctioneer continued explaining, "That's right. This is the legendary cursed sword. There may be many out there who have not heard of this sword's history. Do allow me to explain."